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Looks like Papers, Please won the poll to be our September game! I haven’t played this one for a while so I’m looking forward to taking another look at it.
01.09.2016 - 19:10:37
Ahhh, I love EGGTR and Firewatch is great too. Haven’t played Vanishing. But they all look like great contenders so I’ll add them to the list!
26.08.2016 - 13:48:18
I’ll add it to the list, thank you!
25.08.2016 - 07:44:47
Definitely! Thank you.
24.08.2016 - 21:56:34
Whilst we think about how gorgeous Transistor is, you can also vote for what we play in September! This month, the games to pick from are
1979 Revolution: Black Friday; Cibele; Pony Island; and Papers, Please. For more information on the games, you can look at the suggestions page, and feel free to send me a message if you have another suggestion to add. To quote from my earliest call for suggestions: “these
should be PC games since they’re the most widely available, and low impact
enough to run on non-gaming PCs. Most of these will also be much smaller games
than vast, 100+ hour open world types too, which helps with the time commitment
thing, and are likely to be cheaper too.”
24.08.2016 - 21:04:21
answered your question “Hey! I finished up Transistor yesterday and it. Was. Gorgeous….”this might sound weird, but i really liked that it was a scifi game with a fantasy-style aesthetic. everything was just so beautiful and surreal (that ART omg). i liked that you could track red’s emotional state via the soundtrack.For sure! I also loved that you could just stand and let her hum along to the soundtrack. It’s an action with no mechanical meaning besides atmosphere, and they fascinate me in games.
24.08.2016 - 21:03:56
Hey! I finished up Transistor yesterday and it. Was. Gorgeous.Audio-visual aesthetics aside (those loading screens between levels though…), I also really enjoyed the smart and different combat, and how the game forced you to change things up by removing powers often (or at least often if you did badly, which I did). It leaves me wondering also what your favourite combinations are? I was personally a fan of Bounce combined with Spark, as well as Cull as a passive skill so that running into enemies dealt a lot of damage.I thought it was also particularly smartly used in the final fight wherein you had to use what you’d learned from your own combat to avoid another transistor-user!So what about you? What were your favourite elements of the game?
23.08.2016 - 23:22:48
Hi all! Happy August!Transistor won our poll for the August game by a landslide, and I’m currently half way through it anyway, so this suits me nicely! I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts throughout the month, so feel free to send in a message any time :)
01.08.2016 - 23:21:22
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